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Where is the NIFTY™ test available?

NIFTY™ testing is available worldwide.

What do I do if I get a high-risk result?

You should always review your results with your healthcare provider. We advise that in the event of a high-risk result, you undertake follow up confirmatory diagnostic testing.

How much does the NIFTY™ test cost?

The price of NIFTY™ varies by country and by your healthcare provider. Please contact your healthcare provider for more information.

What’s the difference between a diagnostic test and a screening test?

A diagnostic test is one that tests with 100% accuracy and definitively tells you whether a condition exists or not. The drawback for diagnostic prenatal tests such as amniocentesis is that they carry a risk of miscarriage.

A screening test indicates the risk of having a condition, and while they may be highly accurate, do not test with 100% accuracy.

NIFTY™ is a screening test, so while it has a very high level of accuracy at 99.5% for detection of Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome and Patau Syndrome, it is not diagnostic.

What is a false positive result?

A false positive result is classified as when a result comes back as positive for a condition when in fact subsequent confirmatory diagnostic testing shows the fetus not to have the condition.

NIFTY™ has a false positive rate of 0.1%

When will I get my results?

Results are available within 10 working days from the healthcare provider who conducted your NIFTY™ test.

How accurate is the NIFTY™ test?

NIFTY™ is accurate to 99.5% for detection of Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome and Patau Syndrome.
This figure is quoted based on two external validation studies which are listed below, and is born out by our internal testing data based on having tested over 600,000 samples.
It is important to note that NIFTY™ is a screening test, which means that it does not test with 100% accuracy like an invasive diagnostic procedure such as amniocentesis.

How does the NIFTY™ test work?

Cell free DNA originating from the fetus is present in the mother's blood circulation during pregnancy. By taking a small maternal blood sample, NIFTY™ analyses this cell free fetal DNA on genetic sequencing machines to see whether any chromosomal abnormality is present.

For more information please visit the 'Science Behind NIFTY™' page on our website or watch our introductory video where the test methodology is explained in further detail.

What does the NIFTY™ test tell me?

The NIFTY™ test tells you your risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome or Patau Syndrome. Although NIFTY™ tests with 99.5% accuracy for these conditions, as a screening test it does not tell you with 100% accuracy that your baby does or doesn't have one of these conditions.
The NIFTY™ test also provides optional testing for certain deletion syndromes and sex chromosomal aneuploidies at no extra cost.
In addition, the NIFTY™ test can also provide gender information should you wish to know.

Who can be tested?

The NIFTY™ test is available to any woman from week 10 of pregnancy.