Instructions regarding blood sampling and shipping are provided in the NIFTY™ testing kit manual.
Taking a sample is very straightforward. In essence, the venipuncture site must be disinfected and 10ml of peripheral venous blood from the pregnant woman should then be drawn and placed in to the test tube that is provided with the NIFTY™ test kit. This should then be shipped with our designated courier according to the test kit instruction manual.
Please refer to our NIFTY™ Workflow page under the Healthcare Providers main menu. Thank you.
For trisomies 21, 18 and 13 NIFTY™ has a 100% sensitivity and a 99.9% specificity.
NIFTY™ has a false positive rate based on our internal data of over 600,000 tested samples of 0.017%. Please refer to the clinical data section for further information on our externally validated accuracy rates.
NIFTY™ has a 2.8% re-sampling rate and a 0.069% no call rate.
NIFTY™ offers one of the most competitive pricing structures in the industry. Test prices do vary regionally. Please contact us for specific information regarding test prices in your country.
The NIFTY™ test uses sequential parallel sequencing of the entire genome by (MPS). Please refer to the NIFTY™ Test Method.
NIFTY™ will release test results in a test report form electronically after 10 working days of receiving the blood sample. Reports will be sent to your registered email address.
Report formats will show as high or low risk, with a specific risk scores for trisomies 21, 18 and 13.
If additional testing options have been selected for deletion syndromes and/or sex chromosomal aneuploidies, a risk indication of low or high will also be indicated.
NIFTY™ testing for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 is only available for singleton and twin pregnancies.
The full range of NIFTY™ testing options is available for IVF and egg donor pregnancies.